Before the concert
If you’re reading this, you may be joining us soon for a concert, and we couldn’t be happier. We care deeply about engaging with new audience members and ensuring that you have a great experience and will want to return. The following are questions that we have been asked by first-time audience members.
If you'd like any additional information, just let us know on Facebook or by email, or give us a call at 604-359-9738.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Where are your concerts?
Concerts take place at 6 different locations, West Vancouver United Church (West Vancouver), Highlands United Church (North Vancouver), Anvil Centre (New Westminster), Evergreen Cultural Center (Coquitlam), South Baptist Church (Delta) and North Delta Centre for Arts (Delta). For complete venue information, see our venues page.
What do I wear?
Whatever you want! There's no dress code at our concerts. Whether formal or casual, we just want you to be comfortable and enjoy the music.
How long is a concert?
Most concerts run for between an hour and a half and two hours. Most concerts feature a 15-minute intermission about midway through the performance.
When do I applaud?
Applause is generally reserved for the conclusion of a piece so as not to disturb the concentration of the artists. When you're blown away by the performance, by all means, go wild!
Can I use my phone?
No one likes phones ringing or making other noises during the performance, so we ask that you silence yours before the performance starts. We do encourage you to share your experience with others, though, so feel free to check in on Facebook or snap an Instagram shot before the performance—just make sure your phone is on silent during the concert out of consideration for the artists.
Where do I park?
Convenient parking is available at all our venue.
What else should I expect?
An experience that is fundamentally human, and yet transcendent, shared with a group of people who love great music and believe that it should be accessible to everyone.